**The Challenger Division is for Special Needs players**


Eligibility: Challenger Soccer is for Special Needs players age 4 and over.

Location: Challengers play at Upper Knuth Field, Cooper Rd., Denville (across from Lakeview School).

Schedule: Saturday afternoons from 2:00 PM to 2:45 – 3:00 PM.

Start Date/End Date: September 7th to November 2nd.

Attire/Equipment: All players get a HUB Soccer jersey, shorts, and socks. An all-purpose athletic shoe or soccer shoes and a water bottle are required. Please make sure you put your child’s correct shirt and short size on the registration form. Sizes are YXS, YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, and AXL.

Equipment: We bring all needed equipment (balls, cones, etc.)

Venue: The Challenger session is clinic oriented with fun activities to develop soccer and other athletic skills within the context of each player’s ability.

The registration deadline is June 20th.

No Cost to Register: Challengers Soccer is Free! Please register before the deadline so we can have a uniform for your child.

MENTORS: Mentors for our Challenger players are an important and rewarding part of our Challenger program. The Challenger Division would not be a success without our dedicated mentors coaching them. Students in grades 5 and up are welcome to join us. Mentors can use their time volunteered towards community service hours.

To become a Challenger Mentor, click here to




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